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“If you are FED UP, Money is drying up, and you have too much to lose at the hands of big insurance, or you're just getting started in scaling a 100% cash PT practice, then all of these are PROFOUND reasons to commit to being at PPM LIVE 23 in October”
When: October (19th)-20th-21st-22nd
Where: Orlando, Florida
Who: Private Practice Owners
Price: $1500 $1150 or 3 x $430
Can’t swing it to make it in person? Good news, virtual option now available. Click the red button to select virtual.
You get full professional LIVE access and full recordings after the event to keep for life.
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London, England.
Dear Private Practice Owner,
In the last twelve to eighteen months, many PT practice owners were blind-sided by the sudden, almost overnight reduction in their overall profitability..
One minute they were making a healthy profit, the next, that profitability wiped out by the devastating combination of pay raise requests, rampant inflation as well as immoral insurance companies failing to increase reimbursements creating a real time reduction of at least 10-15%.
In 2023, it is not uncommon to find a physical therapy practice owner with a $1,000,000 per year business, making ZERO profit.
But I am not surprised. This is nothing new.
I have seen this type of income destruction happen before. It happened to me in 2008 at my own practice – The Paul Gough Physio Rooms – right after the banking crisis that engulfed the world back then.
During that time, reimbursements from insurance companies sank faster than the Titanic, and what was once a thriving, profitable practice relying mostly on insurance was suddenly a headache of a business requiring me to work twice as hard just to keep up.
It led to a serious health issue at the age of just 31 and caused me to question why on earth I was trying to run a practice relying so much on insurance. Truth is, I wasn’t ever running it, it was running me into the ground. The only people making any money were the insurance companies.
“A Second-Class Citizen in Healthcare”
The sad situation for most private practice owners is this: the cost to be in business is going up rapidly (expenses), and YET the reimbursement for providing that same service to patients is going down. And when that happens, there’s only so long you can last before something gives.
Unfortunately, it’s usually the HEALTH and QUALITY OF LIFE of the practice owner that is affected the most. Patients don’t care those costs are going up, they just want their back fixed, insurance companies have shareholders to please and will always want their profits before yours and as for your staff, they might sympathize with you but it won’t stop them asking for a pay raise.
The future doesn’t look bright for most PTs and whichever way you dress this up, the physical therapy profession is in the state it’s in for one reason and one reason only: the insurance companies are in bed with doctors and hospital systems and between them they hold all of the power.
It’s created a scenario where PTs are akin to a second-class citizen in healthcare
Insurance companies have manipulated a situation where the people at the top of the health care food pyramid – the doctors and the big systems – get all the proceeds and we, the ones at the bottom, are left to pick up the crumbs
“Even if you’re a fully CASH PAY clinic, your biggest struggle is created by the system that bows down to doctors who kiss the feet of insurance companies.”
And it’s not just the insurance-based clinics that are hurting…
If you’re a CASH PAY practice owner, you won’t need me to tell you the difficulties involved in getting referrals from doctors. It’s easier to get blood from the proverbial stone than getting referrals from a doctor to a cash pay clinic EVEN THOUGH you can provide the same outcome and are possibly offering better value for money.
That’s why I say this mess is ALL THE INSURANCE company’s fault – and that remains true even if you’re a cash pay owner.
Your difficulty in attracting people to your clinic, to pay in cash for your valuable services, is BECAUSE of this “closed shop” system that has indoctrinated most of the people in your town that using insurance is best.
Taking all of this madness into consideration, I felt that we had no choice but to use this year’s Private Practice Marketer LIVE 2023 to tackle this problem head on.
We’ve created a very special event for insurance and cash pay physical therapists to come together dedicated to flipping the middle finger at the insurance companies and giving small, independent private practice owners like you all of the tools you need to be successful OUTSIDE of the system.
I’m not promising this, but by the end of PPM LIVE, it is very likely that you will feel like sending that “Go to Hell” letter to a few HMOS’ and PPO’s starting with any paying less than $100.

To be clear: If you want to be part of the doctors/insurance closed loop system, this event is not for you. However, if you have aspirations to grow a cash pay clinic, or in the next 12-18 months transition your traditional insurance clinic to a hybrid model seeing more cash pay, then this event is for you and you should seriously consider attending all four days.
And, if you were wondering why we titled this year’s event “Paul Gough: The Insurance Company Who Screwed Me”, well, now you know…
It’s because there’s about 20,000 or so physical therapists in the world who right now feel exactly that way – like they have been screwed over by big insurance companies.
Whether it is their time wasted on hold, constant denials or the real time lowering of their reimbursements – there’s a general feeling in the global PT community that insurance companies are taking us for a ride right now.
But here’s the thing:
It’s one thing to blame the insurance companies one year, but it’s another thing to KEEP blaming the insurance companies year AFTER year..
There are only so many years you can do that before you do have to admit that some of this is avoidable, and really, it comes from your own inability to switch or pivot your practice to one that is independently successful of insurance and doctor referrals..
You might not know how, but I assure you that it can and is being done.
I appreciate that it is a little scary at first; just the thought of switching to cash pay is enough to make many traditional insurance owners feel physically sick.
I get it. But the fact is that tens of thousands of physical therapists have ALREADY done it successfully – too many to ever seriously say “it can’t be done.” You might want to say, “I don’t want to”, but you can’t seriously say “It can’t be done”. It IS being done.
The revolution has already begun, and many physical therapists are right now enjoying the freedom, the profitability and the flexibility of running a cash or hybrid business that is often smaller in size but makes more money.
It’s not uncommon for a traditional insurance business owner to make something like $150,000 in take home pay. The problem is when you work out how many hours, they’ve worked to get it, their EFFECTIVE HOURLY rate is often less than their employees
Contrast that with a successful cash pay or hybrid practice owner, he or she can make the same $150,000 in take home pay but do it with a staff that is half of the size, with half of the headaches and working half of the time.
The EFFECTIVE HOURLY RATE of this practice owner is often TWICE that of their fully insurance-based owner across the street. I wonder which business YOU would prefer to own and run?
If it’s a successful OON, hybrid, or fully cash pay practice, how much longer will you wait before you make the move to the type of life and income that you know you deserve?
I know you can do it. I also know how to do it. I’ve done it myself. And I’ve helped 100s to do it safely and profitably and I’m going to share THE secrets of insurance to cash pay transition and cash pay scale at PPM LIVE 2023..
“Advanced Lead Generation and the ‘Magical Secrets’ of Hugely Profitable Cash PT Practices”
Each of us wants control of our business. You will never get that if your referrals and prices are controlled. The only way to get control is to take responsibility. Responsibility for your own referrals and your own prices.
With this in mind, the ENTIRE Private Practice Marketer Live 2023 is dedicated to the subject of “Advanced Lead Generation and the Magical Secrets of Cash Pay PT” so that together, we can insure (…no pun intended!) you are not going to be a victim of more insurance company madness and destruction in the PT profession in 2024 and beyond
Others will be. I hope you will choose not to be. I believe this alone is the reason to commit to being at PPM LIVE 2023. But there are others:
10 More Reasons You Must Attend PPM LIVE 2023 “Paul Gough: The Insurance Company Who Screwed Me”
- Develop your own referral source – how can you possibly feel safe and secure running a PT business if you rely upon someone else – a doctor – to pay your rent and put food on the table? You can’t. The only way to run a PT business that is both profitable and one you feel in control of is when you have your OWN system for generating your own patients and are able to charge the HIGH FEES that you need to make the profit you want.
- Get the know-how and skills for handling the tricky “insurance question” – the biggest challenge you will face as you develop your own referral sources is how you navigate the dreaded, “Do you take my insurance” question. How you answer this can literally make or break your marketing and, in the end, your profits. At PPM LIVE we will present to you THE very BEST way to do this based upon everything we know about what is working in the most profitable cash PT practices, right NOW.
- Differentiate yourself and your business in an increasingly commoditized physical therapy profession – you won’t need me to tell you it is getting “messy out there”… you won’t need me to tell you there’s LOTS of competition for the same patients these days. The competition is real and it’s making it very difficult for patients to choose between you and your rival. In the end, what happens is they choose on “price” – and it’s usually the cheapest. At PPM LIVE we will show you what is working RIGHT NOW, that the best CASH PT practices are doing to make sure they do not get dragged into this race to the bottom.
- Understand exactly how to run a PT business that does not rely upon you being at the helm every day – across the course of the 3 days you will hear from PTs – both insurance and CASH pay – who are running a very successful practice without having to be there each day. If you have aspirations to turn your practice into a cash flowing ASSET, one that makes more money than you contribute, and does so without you having to be their every day, then you have to be here at PPM LIVE to discover exactly how it is done.
- Discover how to make ONLINE marketing work for you – it is no secret that if you want cash pay patients you will NOT find them sitting in the office of a doctor. In 2023, they are looking for you online. All of the cash paying patients have one thing in common: they want better for themselves than to be told to rest, take painkillers or be sent to a mill-like PT clinic by their doctor. The problem is that ONLINE marketing is a lot more complicated than marketing to doctors. You need to be in the room on Oct 19-22 to see exactly what you need to do.
- Discover how to market to and attract AFFLUENT clients who value you what you do and will be happy to pay more for it – yes, it’s possible. Most don’t believe it but there are people out there who DO want to pay more, who ARE happy to pay more and ARE actively looking for better than is available through their insurance. Will they find you? Are you even looking? At PPM Live, we’ll talk more about this pocket of people and how you can find them…
It’s ME doing this: Not many people can claim to have created a Marketing Plan that has delivered over 22,000 cash pay patients to their OWN practice. But I can. – there’s lots of people out there promising to teach you the “art of cash pay success” and “selling high ticket items” and so on. Frankly, most of them only turned to doing that because running their own cash pay clinic became too difficult for them.
A reminder: I started my own physical therapy practice in 2007 and in those years, I’ve generated MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, hired over 50 people, scaled to four locations, acquired over 22,000 new patients and I’ve personally made a lot of money from doing the exact same thing you’re trying to do. What makes me really different from all of the others is I also did it in a country with completely FREE HEALTH care as my main competitor. Very few, if any, anywhere in the world, can lay claim to such knowledge, know-how and real-world experience of what works to bring in cash pay patients at the level I can.
What’s funny is that most of the other guys and girls trying to teach you how all have one thing in common: I have their credit card on file in my business. That is because most of them took a course, class or seminar with ME and were inspired by that. If you want the best information, and you want it AT SOURCE, it’s me you need to get it from…
- REAL, CREDIBLE and “what is working right now” insider know-how and information – closely linked to the above, when you attend PPM LIVE 23 you will get to see what is working right now and it will be delivered to you by real people, really doing it. This is about giving you the information, tools and strategies you need to grow your practice and be independent and successful OUTSIDE of the system that has you currently stuck. Come and learn from people DOING it…
A list of “A List” speakers to inspire and motivate – the line-up for this event is like no other. Most physical therapy conferences feature the same old speakers, most of them having done nothing but grow a big following on Instagram or Twitter. At this event you will hear from a BILLIONNAIRE business owner who you’ve seen on TV many times over, as well one of the greatest business consultants in America that I’ve personally consulted with.
At last year’s event we had Daymond John from Shark Tank, and James Lawrence the “Iron Cowboy” and they absolutely blew the doors off the place! We’ve also had people like Kevin O’Leary and Dan Kennedy at our events and we’ve spent TWICE as much on this year’s speakers to ensure it is even better than last…
- Other Private practice owners who are already ahead of you – this year’s line up also includes 4 of the best private practice owners from the Planet Paul community, each one sharing with you their secrets of success, as well as members of my TEAM who will share my biggest secrets for growing and scaling a business. We will not hide anything from you. Everything you need to know we will share it with you.
“If you are FED UP, Money is drying up, and you have too much to lose at the hands of big insurance, or your just getting started in scaling a 100% cash PT practice, then all of these are PROFOUND reasons to commit to being at PPM LIVE 23 in October”
We’ve Organized Some Amazing, TV and WORLD FAMOUS, Speakers to Headline This Year’s Event. Including:
Marcus LEMONIS – The Profit
Marcus Lemonis is more than a television personality. He is a successful entrepreneur, advocate and philanthropist who strives to make financial literacy accessible to all. He is star of CNBC’s “The Profit” and “The Renovator” and owner of Camping World.
As a young man, Marcus honed his entrepreneurial spirit while working at his family’s automotive dealership. By the age of 25, Marcus seized upon an opportunity to reshape the way recreational vehicles and outdoor equipment was sold. Under his leadership and vision, Camping World would grow to become the Nation’s largest RV retailer and would make Marcus Lemonis one of the most successful businessmen in America. With an estimate BILLION DOLLAR net worth he is one of THE best business speakers in the world today.

Marcus Lemonis is a business titan, and owner of the BILLION dollar company; Camping World which has locations throughout the US, and thousands of employees.
Marcus is also the star of the CNBC hit TV show, The Profit where he would go into small businesses and work with the owner on how to improve the profits of that business.
He’s famous for his line “People, Product and Process”, these being the three things he typically goes into businesses to fix.
Marcus is also bringing a NEW show, The Fixer, to screens worldwide, where he helps ambitious business owners craving a game-changing revitalization for their companies.|
As well as being a household name for his TV appearances, Marcus is a best-selling author, and international speaker who is a powerful presence on stage who can get into your head a little – like Tony Robbins – while being able to switch effortlessly to talking about finance, marketing and sales – like Kevin O’Leary.

Regarded by most as the World’s #1 Expert on The Subject of PT CLINIC Marketing and Practice Growth. Paul has already done what you are trying to do. He has a proven track record of growing his own PT clinic from the ground up to four locations, averaging over 1000 mostly cash pay visits per month in a country with completely free health care as his main competitor.
He is a former professional soccer PT, small business ICON (winner of the Infusionsoft award) and he is a 5 x best-selling author. In his spare time, when he is not running his multiple businesses, he consults with some of top PT clinics on the planet to help them grow sales and profits. He also puts on the best business growth seminars the PT profession has ever seen.

Greg Crabtree is a speaker, author, entrepreneur and financial expert. Crabtree has used his entrepreneurial skills to develop Crabtree, Rowe & Berger, PC, a CPA firm focused solely on the needs of entrepreneurs, helping them build the economic engine of their businesses. His best selling book, Simple Numbers, is used by millions of business owners around the world to achieve financial clarity and understand the business end of their business – the numbers.
Don’t miss Greg’s talk at PPM LIVE on how to create a Private Practice that has a HIGH EXIT VALUE.

“What Other Private Practice Owners Said About Last Year’s Amazing Event…”
"Since I came to my first event, I haven't missed another one."
"If you can get [to an event] it's ten times better to be around people and see everything live."
"It's definitely different being here [in person]. It shows you what is possible in your company."
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Here Are Your 3 Options To Experience PPM LIVE 2023 – Choose The 3 Day Or 4 Day Experience (And Decide How Many Of Your Team You Are Bringing With You…)
3-Day VIP + Insurance-2-Cash Pay Success Pre-day with Paul – 3 x $795 (or 1 x $2250)

- 1-day Insurance-2-Cash Pay Success Masterclass with Paul (takes place on Oct 19th ahead of PPM LIVE 3-day event and is $997 value)
- One in-person ticket to 3-day Private Practice Marketer LIVE 2023 ($1500 value)
- Additional in-person seats only $495
- Printed workbook
- Lifetime access to the event
3-Day VIP 3 x $550 (or 1 x $1500)

- One in-person ticket to Private Practice Marketer LIVE 2023
- Additional in-person seats only $495
- Printed workbook
- Lifetime access to the event
Can’t swing it to make it in person? Good news, virtual option now available. Click the red button to select virtual.
You get full professional LIVE access and full recordings after the event to keep for life.
3-Day Platinum FIRST CLASS (Just 10 available) – $2297 (or 3 x $795)

- 1 x in-person ticket to Private Practice Marketer LIVE 2023
- Seating in the FRONT ROW of the VENUE
- 3 course meal included at lunch on Friday and Saturday with Paul’s top clients and his staff sat next to you
- Includes company-wide virtual pass
- Printed workbook and binder
- Official photo with Paul as well as get every one of his books personally signed
- Lifetime access to the event recording
- Additional in-person seats only $495
“Should You Bring Your Staff (or Partner?)?”
“Hell Yes”! And You Can Do It For Almost Half Price…
At this years event we’re focusing on you AND your TEAM. It’s impossible to scale a private practice on your own – you need a TEAM.
We will have one-person start-ups and newer businesses at the Big Event, but if you are one of the many growing and larger PT businesses coming, it is very, very important that all of your colleagues share your vision for the future and how you are going to get there.
So, I strongly encourage you to bring your work colleagues – PT, admin, marketer – and to make it very easy, you can bring as many colleagues as you want for half price.
Please also remember that your team is probably craving an experience to get out of their normal environment, put the last two years behind them and focus with you on creating a great future for all of you.
At the event we will have special sessions delivered by my TEAM to help your TEAM understand how to work better, faster, support you more and buy into your goals and vision even more. When you get them back – you won’t recognize them!
Many PT entrepreneurs also want their partners to share this experience so they have a better understanding of ‘Planet Paul’ and what it means for their future. So you are also welcome to bring your partner for half price. (‘Partner’ is defined as husband, wife, someone you live with – or someone you would like to live with!)
But, be sure to be one of the first 50 to claim the special pricing. Reserve your place now to avoid missing out.
Here’s Just Some of What You’ll Discover at PPM Live 2023…

Here’s what you won’t see on the news:
Over the last couple of years, while thousands of PT businesses struggled and went broke, a few hundred achieved the extraordinary feat of growing their practice PROFITS while simultaneously stepping back from patient care. They went from being a PT and the self-professed ‘workhorse’ in their business to being the CEO of their business.
In other words, they created a TIME revolution in their life AND a PROFIT revolution during the worst pandemic in living memory and during the worst recession since the Great Depression.
How did they do it?
You will find out during the Ultimate CEO Competition of 2023, where we crown one winner and celebrate the success of five of my most successful clients in the past 12 months. Each one will share with you the exact steps they took and the key decisions they made that brought in huge fortunes – while simultaneously stepping back from patient care and finding more time for family.
You may or may not want to STEP OUT OF PATIENT CARE at this point in your entrepreneurial life, but, even if you implement just a fraction of what these amazing PT clinic owners have, you can’t help but make a lot of money and find more time in your life.
The headline speakers are amazing, but I believe it will be worth coming to THIS EVENT just to learn from, get inspired and see with your own eyes just what is really possible for a PT like you.
Show up with an open mind and a willingness to implement what you learn, and I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the changes in your life a few months after this event.

Every size and type of PT business will be at PPM LIVE 2023, from brand-new cash PT start-ups to multimillion-dollar PT businesses. The event is for you regardless of what type of practice you are, and whatever country you live.
My seminars have always attracted the best of the best practice owners from all across the USA, the UK, Canada, Europe and as far away as Australia, Brunei and Dubai. What type of clinic or where you’re from matters not. We do not rule you in or out just because you run a pelvic floor or concierge PT business or any other niche-type practice. No. What matters most is your ambition and how hungry you are to get to the next level. If you are ready to grow, we want to see you here.
Specifically, here’s who is coming to this event:
Cash PT (New Start up)
There has never been a better time to start your own Cash PT clinic and by implementing world-class marketing and business success strategies you will be giving yourself the best chance of success.
I have steered hundreds of new PTs to start and grow their own business and, in many cases, 2023 was their best year ever.
Established Cash PT
Modesty aside, I am widely regarded as the world’s leading authority on SCALING A CASH PT clinic. When it comes to direct marketing – to find new patients without needing referrals from doctors – I am the guy they all come to for advice. After all, I grew my own clinic to four locations, and I did it in a country with completely FREE socialist health care as my main competition. I created a marketing system that has generated over 25,000 cash paying patients in less than 12 years and 1000s of clinic owners around the world have since copied that system successfully.
Concierge / Mobile PT
We’ve watched the emergence of the concierge / mobile PT market rise drastically in the last two years. And we think it’s amazing. But, if you are looking to market to patients in their home, you will be well aware of how their buying behaviour has changed dramatically since Covid.
And it’s not going back. It’s changed forever. In the New Healthcare Economy, your patients are more fearful and more hesitant. But we also know that when you position yourself and your business in the right way, you can not only attract patients at will – but attract the people with the desire and finances to buy now and repeatedly.
This is quite simply the greatest moment in time to run a Hybrid PT clinic. You’ve got the safety net of the traditional insurance companies you like to work with who pay you well, and you’ve also got the ability to raise the prices in other parts of your business to ensure you remain profitable.
At PPM 2023, I categorically guarantee that we will create a series of big breakthroughs for you and your PT business that will be worth at least six figures to you.
Traditional Insurance
Although many Insurance PTs are looking to move away from relying heavily on Insurance, I always advise that any transition is done SLOWLY and SAFELY.
It’s risky to close the doors on all insurance overnight but if you have the right plan that is executed over 12-18 months, it’s very possible to have a PT business with less overhead and more profit that is a pleasure to own and run.
At PPM LIVE 23 you will get the strategies to ensure this happens as well as meet and network with other clinic owners doing exactly the same. Worth coming JUST to speak to those owners who are a few moves ahead of you to learn how they did it…
I Know What You’re thinking…What’s with The Austin Powers Theme?
In the past we’ve had Harry Potter and Star Wars themed events. This year, we chose to go with Austin Powers. And here’s why:
Austin is English, so is Paul…
Austin is debonaire, defiant and mostly DELUDED. And so is Paul…
Austin spends his life trying to rid the world of evil dictators. If you class insurance companies as evil dictators, then so does Paul.
Austin likes to have fun at work, so does Paul.
Austin likes the “swinging 60’s”, so does Paul (the theme of this year’s Friday night party)
Paul has four kids who each look like him – so it’s going to be very easy to find a cheap “Mini Me” lookalike…
And most important of all, it allows us to spend the whole weekend making crude, at times cringe-worthy, over the top references to the best parts of the movie that we can find relevant to PT.
Such as:
“Oh Do Behave! I am Worth Much More Than $80 Per Visit”
Expect more – much more of this at the event – and even though you DO NOT have to take part in the fun, or the swinging 60’s after party on the Friday night, it’s hoped you will. I believe business does NOT have to be so serious, boring or rigid.
I believe that it is possible to have fun, make lots of money and feel good about yourself while you do. PPM LIVE is all about that.
Don’t come just because we’re going to have fun, and equally don’t NOT come just because we’re going to have lots of fun in between the sessions.
Come because you WANT to be part of something special and be around people who DO NOT take themselves so seriously – but absolutely DO take the making of money and building of a business VERY seriously.
We’ve combined the perfect amount of both fun and money-making strategies at PPM LIVE and we’d love you to come see for yourself.
In Summary, Here's How It All Works:
PPM LIVE 2023 is a 3-day Super Conference dedicated to practice growth – and it also includes a 4th PRE-DAY that is an optional bolt-on. For the pre-day we will be in a classroom for 20 people and for the main event we will be in massive BALLROOM with capacity for 350.
The PRE-DAY is for just 20 people who will be working closely with me on transitioning from Insurance to Cash Pay (or Hybird) clinic.
If you are an insurance-based business, or hybrid, and want to successfully transition to more of a cash pay model, this is for you. It’s the ESSENTIALS you need to make sure you have a solid foundation with which to grow from.
During our full day together, I’ll walk through the essential 7 steps that you will need to master in order to make the transition a success in the next 12-18 months.
The PRE-DAY is limited to just 20 people, and it takes place on Thursday Oct 19th, starting at 9.30am. To confirm: the very next day is when PPM LIVE the ‘main event’ begins and that runs Oct 20-22nd.
Still On the Fence? Here’s 8 More Reasons To Attend PPM LIVE 2023…
- It’s LONELY running a business and there’s very few occasions where a business owner can either CELEBRATE (boast!!!) about their success without judgement or VENT!!! their frustrations at some of the things happening (and actually be listened to and understood).
- You are the sum of the five people you surround yourself with – and unless the five people you are hanging around with every day are making more money, have a lifestyle you would swap or are visibly and obviously happier than you, then you need to be at this event to upgrade your network.
- You can’t do it alone – if the only person you’re taking advice and guidance from is yourself (or even your partner) you are probably not making the progress you COULD be. The fastest path to success is to get around other successful people and MODEL what they are doing. At this event I will introduce you to those people and show you what they are doing.
- To get refocused, reset AND re-energized – there’s nothing better than being in an environment that breeds, promotes and is 100% focused on SUCCESS to get you refocused, reset and re-energized.
- You can spend the weekend with family AND peers – this event will allow you the unique opportunity to bring your family to sunny Orlando AND simultaneously be at an event that will give you the tools and strategies to grow your business. They can have fun in the theme parks while you figure out how to make more money so that you can have even more fun as a family!
- You’ve had enough of those boring CON ED/CPD clinical skills courses and want to focus your time and effort on learning real business skills to make real money from your business (…there comes an INFLECTION point in every PTs life where they wake up and decide that being a great business owner is now more important than being a great clinician. Is this yours?).
- You LOVE listening to Paul, you know that he NEVER disappoints and his teaching on business is second to none in this profession – we’ve been running seminars for years and on many occasions we’ve been asked for advice from other people in the PT profession on how to improve theirs. (…Don’t be surprised if you see some of my “competition” sitting in the audience and taking notes on how we do things so they can try to copy us!)
- You’ve got nothing to lose – there’s a 100% money back guarantee that means if you’re dis-satisfied or you’re not impressed in any way, we will refund your ticket AND give you $500 towards your airfare.
(And, of course, one of the major reasons for most people – because it’s sunny in Orlando and it will be cold where you are in October.)

I am so certain that your decision to attend PPM LIVE 2023 will change the course of your business life – and equally convinced that missing it would be a terrible mistake of epic and costly proportions – I am willing to offer you the most extraordinary and powerful Guarantee I have ever offered.
Here it is: If at ANY time during the conference you feel you made a mistake and aren’t receiving value, or are disappointed with the content and experience, you can simply hand your materials in at the back table to let us know. You’ll receive a full and complete refund for your ticket, PLUS an additional $500 to cover travel expenses. You must let us know BEFORE THE END OF THE EVENT to get your refund.
“Double Safety Net”
Cancellation Policy
And, just to make sure no mistakes can be made here:
If you purchase an in-person ticket and later find you cannot attend, simply let us know before close of business, Oct 5th to get a full refund OR downgrade to a virtual option.
You are also permitted to let another person attend in your place (please let us know before they show up).
If you have to cancel AFTER Oct 5th, 2023, you will not receive a refund but will be given a full, complete virtual pass so you don’t miss out on the event completely and you’ll get lifetime access to the recordings. This is a separate policy from our better-than-money-back guarantee.
Join Me And 350 Private Practice Owners for The Profession’s BIGGEST Event On Ending The Reliance On Insurance and Doctor Referrals, Getting More CASH PAY In Your Life, As Well As Home In Time For Dinner Every night. Which Would Be Nice, Right?
DEADLINE: 6pm EST, August 17th
This is a world class event and as such it needs a world class venue. So good was the venue last year, we decided to REBOOK the same hotel for this year’s event. It is quite simply one of the best hotels in the whole of Orlando.
When you book your seat, you will immediately be sent the location of the hotel (and a discount booking link*) that is just 15 minutes in an Uber from Orlando International Airport, on International Drive, just minutes away from the world-famous Sea World resort, right in the heart of the fun in Orlando.

“What Other Private Practice Owners Said About Last Year’s Amazing Event…”
"It's the hallway conversations. When you go in the hallway, you're talking to people. You learn so much"
"I think it really gives my staff perspective and a behind-the-scenes insight of the things I go through day in and day out"
"We love coming to these events because it gets you out of your business and think about it in a different angle you may not have considered."
FAQ’s of PPM LIVE 2023…
A. The price of the VIP 3-day ticket (most popular) is $1845. Depending upon when you book, there may be an early booking discount. If you see one today, please book now to lock in that price as it is likely to increase many times between now and the event and possibly in the next few days.
Note: We allocate discounted tickets in limited quantities – usually in batches of 10 and when they’re gone that is when we raise the price again.
The full price of PPM LIVE VIP is $1500
Backed up by my $50,000 Guarantee, this makes attending the event effectively Free for you. If you don’t feel that your investment of $1,500 is worth at least $50,000 to you, you can leave the event and get a full refund.
But I’m going a step further…
I want to acknowledge the extraordinary courage and persistence of my best customers through the recent difficult and turbulent economic times. You kept going. You refused to be beaten by unbelievable obstacles. Your PT business is here to tell the story.
So, providing you book before the early booking deadline on August 17th, you get a massive 31% discount.
just $1150. That’s a saving of $350
Or you can spread your payment and come for three monthly payments of $430.
Can’t swing it to make it in person? Good news, virtual option now available. Click the red button to select virtual.
You get full professional LIVE access and full recordings after the event to keep for life.
I look forward to seeing you in my home town of Orlando in October.
Best wishes,Paul Gough
P.S. About the PRE-DAY. Should you be there????...
Insurance 2 Cash Pay Success – How To Master the Transition
“I’ve Got Room for Just 20 Practice Owners Who Are RIGHT NOW EXPLORING THE IDEA That They Will Need More CASH PAY In their Practice in the Next 12-18 Months and Want To Know How To Do It Successfully.
Are You One Of Them?”
When: Thursday 19th October
Where: PPM LIVE, Orlando
Who: Paul Gough and 20 Insurance/Hybrid Owners
Who Is This Pre-Day Really For?
- Insurance practice owners who know that insurance is a “sinking ship” and want to get off sometime in the next 12-18 months
- For any insurance / hybrid owner who is accepting a “pittance” in low reimbursements from insurance companies but doesn’t have the confidence to drop them and ask for cash instead
- Any insurance or hybrid owner who has already started the process of dropping insurance – but it’s not going well
- Any insurance or hybrid owner who has started the process, it’s working well, and is now looking to SCALE
- Any insurance business owner who knows they need to do this but doesn’t have the confidence or heart to tell patients, their staff OR their partner that it needs to happen!
- Any insurance business owner whose life and or health is affected by being trapped inside a doctor-insurance referrals/payment system and needs to get out ASAP…
Here’s Just Some of What We’ll Cover in Our Amazing Day Together BEFORE PPM LIVE:
- How to EXPLAIN to current PATIENTS you’re not going to take their insurance (and even get them to support your decision)
- How to KEEP as many current insurance patients as possible even though you won’t be taking their insurance (and have them happy to pay in cash)
- Why charging more money/higher fees is better for outcomes AND referrals – and how to do it
- How to set your cash PRICES to make sure you don’t price your self out of the market
- Why going cash isn’t about spending MORE TIME with patients and what it’s really about instead…
- How to get your PARTNER (husband/wife) to buy-in-to the move from insurance to cash pay (and support your decision)
- How marketing directly to patients is different from marketing to doctors (what to do and what not to do)
- The 7 most important things you must consider when you’re moving from insurance to a cash pay practice
- Which insurance companies to drop first – and why
- The essential first one, two and three “baby” steps that lead to massive progress in scaling a cash-based case load…
- How to get your STAFF excited and bought into the idea of dropping more insurance and charging cash instead
- Transition Economics: how many patients you should expect to lose and how much to charge to make more money despite losing them
- The most important ROLE in a successful cash practice and how to make sure he or she is ready for the role when the insurance companies are fired. Hint: it’s not any of your PTs and it’s not your office manager or your biller either…
- And most importantly of all, how to get YOURSELF excited and bought into the transition from low paying, pain in the ass insurance companies to charging “fee for service” at prices that make being in business worthwhile
- And so much more…